Assoc. Prof. Maya Guncheva, PhD
Laboratory "Chemistry and Biophysics of Proteins and Enzymes"
Institute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry
Acad. G. Bonchev, Build. 9
Sofia 1113, Bulgaria
website: http://chembpe.wix.com/biochem-bg
tel. +359 2 9606 160
fax +359 2 8700 225
e-mail: maiag@orgchm.bas.bg |
Research |
Isolation and characterization of biologically important proteins, glycoproteins, peptides, glycopeptides, and glycolipides;
Conventional and enzymatic catalyzed synthesis of biological active peptides;
Photosensitizing and fluorescent dyes in red and far-red spectra region - synthesis and studies of their main properties as diagnostic and therapeutic agents;
Development of the so called photodynamic method, based on the photochemical processes, for inactivation of bacteria and viruses in clinical practice and ecology;
Fluorescent probes, based on the highly conjugated compounds, like phthalocyanines and derivatives, for study of the protein's structures;
Immobilization of biocatalysts, modification of natural oils and investigation of lipase inhibitors for medical and cosmetics purposes;
Isolation and purification of enzymes from microbial origin for nutrient and fodder purposes and cosmetics;
Preparation of technology for protein hydrolysates with designed properties for application in medicine and sport as food additives;
Application of fluorescent methods for determination of antioxidant activity of biological materials;
Production and characterization of novel materials (hemocyanins) for prevention of virus infection;
Evaluation of the antioxidant potential of natural objects by means of spectrophotometric and fluorometric methods. Investigation of the impact of the oxidative stress on the properties of connective tissue proteins. Modification of known methods for proving of dye substances and traces of leather in archaeological and museum objects for the purposes of the conservation analysis. |
Personnel |
Assoc. Prof. Maya Guncheva, PhD |
Prof. Pavlina Dolashka-Angelova, PhD |
403 |
9606 163 |
dolashka@orgchm.bas.bg |
Assoc. Prof. Krassimira Idakieva, PhD |
216 |
9606 190 |
idakieva@orgchm.bas.bg |
Assoc. Prof. Vanya Mantareva, PhD |
211 |
9606 181 |
mantareva@yahoo.com |
Assoc. Prof. Ivan Angelov, PhD |
211 |
9606 181 |
ipangelov@gmail.com |
Assist. Prof. Aleksandar Dolashki, PhD |
417 |
9606 155 |
adolashki@orgchm.bas.bg |
Assist. Prof. Ivo Dimov, PhD |
215 |
9606 199 |
iid551954@abv.bg |
Assist. Prof. Miroslav Rangelov, PhD |
201 |
9606 161 |
marangelov@gmail.com |
Assist. Prof. Lyudmila Velkova, PhD |
403 |
9606 163 |
lyudmila_velkova@abv.bg |
Assist. Prof. Yuliana Raynova, PhD |
216 |
9606 190 |
yulianaraynova@hotmail.com |
Assist. Prof. Dancho Yordanov, PhD |
418 |
9606 175 |
danchoyordanov@gmail.com |
Assist. Boryana Yakimova |
417 |
9606 155 |
byakimova@orgchm.bas.bg |
Assist. Krassimira Paunova |
417 |
9606 175 |
k111781@abv.bg |
Assist. Venceslav Atanasov |
403 |
9606 163 |
vatanassov@orgchm.bas.bg |
Chemist Alla Bynkova |
418 |
9606 175 |
allabynkova@abv.bg |
Chemist Radostina Velikova |
403 |
9606 164 |
radost.velika@abv.bg |
Chemist Plamen Hristov |
214 |
9606 174 |
plamen62@abv.bg |
Borislava Yanachkova, PhD student |
408 |
9606 160 |
bbubba@mail.bg |
Meliha Aliosman, PhD student |
210 |
9606 191 |
meliha_aliosman@yahoo.com |
Prof. Ivanka Stoyneva, PhD (emeritus) |
ane@orgchm.bas.bg |
Assoc. Prof. Boris Atanassov, PhD (emeritus) |
405 |
9606 123 |
atanasov_boris@yahoo.com |
Prof. DSc Nikolay Genov (emeritus) |
217 |
9606 188 |
genov_n@yahoo.com |
Prof. DSc Petar Nedkov (emeritus) |
214 |
9606 192 |
pnedkov@orgchm.bas.bg |